The branding is over and now we wait for the results. This is going to be a close call. There seriously was no way that it could have gone any better with the conditions that we were under. Fuses were blown, files lost, teachers furious and tech confusion. However, both teams were able to work through it to blow our teacher, guests, judges, each other and ourselves away. What more can we ask for?
Therefore, regardless of the results, both teams should definitely be proud of what they accomplished throughout this week. It was one rollercoaster of a week as we scrambled to make this the best first production in the Academy Class. This was an out-of-this-world branding.
Out of the three brandings that I have had the honour to be a part of, this branding is the one that will stick out to me most.
Firstly, our work was stunning. Our website, spoken word, logo design, name and fashion show was outstanding. They were professional, on-point, brilliant and astonishing because we all put forward our hearts and souls into creating the end product. The choral piece, video and dance at the end appropriately wrapped it up as an inspiring and poignant presentation.

Last but not least, this branding was outstanding because we all worked together. For the past two years, we were catty, unprofessional and threw each other under the bus. We were too caught up in the competition that we lost sight of our main vision—to brand the class with a name and colours that truly united us. This year, however, we grew and matured and understood that both groups will need each other’s help to realize our vision. Therefore, the two teams collaborated to put together a mind-blowing production. We helped lift each other up, knowing that we will all win in the end.
This branding and the days leading up to it was extraordinary. Everyone’s hard work and sacrifices paid off. Now, no matter what happens, the Acting Academy Cycle 6 will be an unforgettable legacy as Soul Visionary Productions or Infinite Productions.
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