Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years! 2010 was an amazing year, filled with ups and downs, laughs and cries and unforgettable memories. I met so many amazing people whom I learned invaluable lessons from. I had an amazing birthday spent with my close friends. I went to LA with my best friends. I spent sleepless nights on exams. I fast tracked in summer school. I visited Viet Nam and had an indescribable time. There are still hundreds more and I could go on and on about 2010.

However, this is the New Year and also my last year in high school before I set off to university—a scary thought, but when is life not scary? I have my eighteenth birthday and prom coming up. This is a big year—kind of the first step into the rest of my life and I want to put my best foot forward.

What I want to accomplish this year are as follows:

1) Make it into Ryerson‘s RTA or Image Arts-Film Production program.
2) Have an unforgettable prom and graduate.
3) Travel with my friends.
4) Spend more quality time with my family.
5) Stay organized (keeping my room clean).
6) Definitely catch up on sleep and learn to time manage.
7) Create a short film.
8) Be cast in a short film, commercial etc.
9) Get a summer internship at somewhere in the field of television and broadcasting.
10) Get and stay fit.

There are many more things, but those are my top ten.

What are yours? Whatever they are, I hope you achieve them and create long-lasting memories for 2011. Have a safe and wonderful New Years!


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