Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years! 2010 was an amazing year, filled with ups and downs, laughs and cries and unforgettable memories. I met so many amazing people whom I learned invaluable lessons from. I had an amazing birthday spent with my close friends. I went to LA with my best friends. I spent sleepless nights on exams. I fast tracked in summer school. I visited Viet Nam and had an indescribable time. There are still hundreds more and I could go on and on about 2010.

However, this is the New Year and also my last year in high school before I set off to university—a scary thought, but when is life not scary? I have my eighteenth birthday and prom coming up. This is a big year—kind of the first step into the rest of my life and I want to put my best foot forward.

What I want to accomplish this year are as follows:

1) Make it into Ryerson‘s RTA or Image Arts-Film Production program.
2) Have an unforgettable prom and graduate.
3) Travel with my friends.
4) Spend more quality time with my family.
5) Stay organized (keeping my room clean).
6) Definitely catch up on sleep and learn to time manage.
7) Create a short film.
8) Be cast in a short film, commercial etc.
9) Get a summer internship at somewhere in the field of television and broadcasting.
10) Get and stay fit.

There are many more things, but those are my top ten.

What are yours? Whatever they are, I hope you achieve them and create long-lasting memories for 2011. Have a safe and wonderful New Years!

Monday, December 27, 2010

It's Like Looking

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."

Friends are an amazing miracle in life.  Growing up is tough.  There is a long list of things that we encounter on that journey of discovering who we are.  From day one on this Earth until we lay down to rest, we are challenged on many levels.  In my high school years, I deal with your typical teen problems such as homework, parents, stress, boys, drama etc.  After four years, most people would get tired of hearing the same old stories over and over again.  However, a true friend will always be there to listen and repeat the same advice over and over again, even if you do not take it and instead, do the exact opposite.

Recently, I felt like I completely lost track of where I was going and sight of who I am.  I felt like I hit rock bottom, but I have a friend, who helped me get back on track.  In fact, I am blessed to have many whom I spent this Winter Break with.  However, there is one, who honestly made such a huge difference and really showed me who I really am inside, beneath all of my fronts and the drama.  She prevented me from making some really stupid decisions out of hurt and anger.  There really is no possible way for me to fully express my gratitude, but I hope she realizes someday how important she is to me.

Her understanding, support and love inspired me to write this poem, which I have dedicated to her, along with my other girlfriends, little sister, grandmother, aunt and mother.  Thank you for always being there and putting up with me.

It’s like looking at a photo,
After it’s been hung, years ago.
You know that you’re there...
Somewhere under the blanket of dust.
Thinking back, I remember those days where,
Cootie shots were a must,
And morning pills were gummy vitamins.
Decisions were black and white,
And I never had to worry about a thing,
Because Daddy always led me to the right.

It’s like looking into a pond,
After the pebble is gone.
You know that you’re there...
Somewhere beneath the never-ending ripples.
Thinking back, I remember when I never had a care;
Everything was so simple,
And my worse fear was nothing more,
Than getting an apple for lunch.
But now reality comes knocking on the door,
With its effects hard and fast like a punch.

It’s like looking at the mirror,
After you’ve finished a shower.
You know that you’re there...
But the image isn’t quite clear.
Thinking back, I remember that one dare,
That brought to life a new set of fears.
Discovered that life could be gone just like that,
Realized that loved ones will not always be around,
Learned that one decision could be my last,
Now completely lost and trying to be found.

But nothing is comparable to looking into the eyes,
Of a friend, an aunt, a sister or a mother,
Because beyond those windows lies,
The secret to making everything clearer.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope you’re all having an amazing holiday, surrounded by family and loved ones.

My week was packed with catching up, having some R & R and doing homework.  I am honestly so grateful for these two weeks to just unwind after a hectic first four month of my senior year.  Seriously, there is so much going on from getting the proper grades for certain programs to applying to those programs and not to mention your typical teen drama.  Nonetheless, I guess if I am being totally honest, a small part of me is happy for all of that because imagine if life was a straight path without twists and turns.  Pretty boring and tedious, huh?

Anyway, that is besides the topic.  This post is dedicated to all those special people in my life.  I just want to take this time to thank everyone for their wishes and presents.  It means a lot that you are taking time out of your day to send me a quick text, give me a call or going out and getting me a gift. 

Gift-wise, thanks to:
My family (mom, dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles), who all pitched in money so I could get the Coach wristlet that I have been eying for some time, but had no money to buy LOL.  Love you all!

Darlene Tran (wifey & sister), who got me a snowman beanie, a Hello Kitty (charm?) necklace and Hello Kitty buttons.  I love it!  They’re all so cute!  Thanks <3!

Sonia Nguyen (my blood sister), who made me a really pretty card and drew a Hello Kitty picture in it (yes, i LOVE Hello Kitty).  She also gave me a beautiful necklace that symbolizes sisterhood.  I love you and I am so glad that you are my little sister! 

My other uncle, who gets me a Christmas bear every year because I asked (I haven't seen it yet though xD).  Haha, I also LOVE stuffed animals (half of my bed is filled to the top with stuffed animals and the pile WILL continue to grow!).  Thanks for all your help and willingness to give me a ride when you can!  I appreciate everything you do! 

Ashani Jodha (my Secret Santa), who got me The Last Song DVD.  LOL I had the bootlegged version >_<, but if you have read my previous blogs, I LOVE the movie so much so I had to get the real version.  Thanks for everything, not just the gift!

Kathy Hill (my other wifey & sister), who got me something.  LOL I don’t know what it is yet because I haven’t had the chance to see her all break ;(.  Whatever it is, I am sure I’ll love it nonetheless, so thanks! <3

And to everyone who spent time with me this break!  Your presence is enough =) <3.

I love everything that I got this year and I want to thank everyone who got me a gift, but most importantly, I want to thank everyone for being in my life and keeping me in theirs.  I love you all!

Happy Holidays, everyone!  Have a safe and fun one!  =)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Honestly - Maribelle Anes

On Youtube, I am subscribed to Maribelle Anes and Lil Crazed, two unsigned, but amazing and talented, artists.  These two are one of my favourite Youtube artists of all time and astonishingly enough, they decided to collaborate on a song, which freakishly enough, describes a situation that I am currently in.

Honestly is a song that Maribelle wrote to a friend, expressing her concern for that friend because of a guy that she is dating.  At this age—actually, at any age—guys are the worse in the sense that until you find the right one, there are billions that you have to go through, which usually end up with you getting hurt.  At least, that is what I have concluded from my experiences. 

I do not always make the right decisions when it comes for guys and a lot of the times, the reasons behind those choices are not viable.  However, I decide what I decide because I like the thought of having someone or because I want to do those cute couple things.  The downside: not everyone is worth having around or the effort to do those things.  My friends tell me this all the time, but of course, I have to learn the hard way.  Anyways, everything that Maribelle sings in this song reflects everything that my friends have been saying to me.

Here is the video and the lyrics:

Verse 1
i know you
you know me
we've been friends
for a while and i can see
that you are fakin
i know that you hate it
you like the idea
not so much him
he's good looking, so wealthy
but theres other opportunities
i can't take it
he treats you like nothing
you say he aint worth it
then you turn around

2 seconds later
your running back to his arms
do me a favour
tell me its more than enough
tell me the truth
is he making you happy
can you make it through
tell me honestly

Verse 2

is he that perfect?
does he make you smile
can you show me what
is making him worth the while
is he everything
and his personality
don't think im getting in between
im just protecting you
cause you say he aint right then


i can't take to see my best friend cry
you apparently love him and i wanna know why
he's a player - he's a double time dater
honestly he aint right for you
for you

Lil Crazed

now hold up you aint ever even met me,
won't give me a chance to "work out" but you SWEAT me?
lets see, can you tell me how that's fair huh?
real with my lady, i don't wear "Mascara"
because see i don't "make up" lies
i'm down for my girl, you're just way uptight
false assumptions and to me that hurts,
dont judge a book by it's cover girl, read it first,
and she deserves, more than me,
i know that but fortunately, i meet her standards,
so every single time you question her happiness, i'm still her answer,
bravo, i applaud you looking out,
but try looking in and you'll see what i'm about,
i admit, there's still a bit to POLISH me,
but trust me i'ma NAIL it, honestly


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Is

This is a poem/choral piece/spoken word that my friend, Ramona Persaud, and I wrote for our school's December Festival Show, which was filled with many amazing pieces that connected to the many holidays in this month.

Christmas Is... is a piece depicting two point-of-views on the Christmas holiday.  One is from a middle- to high-classed person who is enjoying the holiday and the happiness it brings.  The other is from a homeless person on the street forgotten in the midst of the holiday rush.

Christmas is a time of happiness--
Supposed to be a time of happiness; but it is a time of sorrow.
Waiting for Santa to bring our gifts,
Wondering if there will be another tomorrow.
Spending time with the family,

A warm dinner in my beautiful home;

A welcoming shelter from the wind and snow.
The warm fireplace; never cold.
Christmas tree is up,
Lights are shining bright.
A place of laughter and love,
Where everything is perfectly right.

A neverending spread of food;
Gathered together in the Christmas mood.
The room fills with excited chatter,
As we reminisce of the year that just passed.
Never been happier;
The perfect time to catch up and relax.

Surrounded by a sea of faces'
Love, support, care and kindness.
So blessed, so grateful, so lucky,
To be kept out of harm's way.
My strength, my world, my family;
The ones with open arms always.

Now looking forward to a new year,
Filled again with fortune and good cheer.
Whatever that may lie beyond the horizon,
I will overcome without any fear,
Because when all is said and done,
I will always have the support of my family here.

Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Olunike Adeliyi

On Tuesday, we were honoured to be in the presence of Olunike Adeliyi.  Born and raised in Brampton, Ontario, she really is the living proof that we can all make it if we have the passion and drive.  It is truly inspirational to have someone who is home grown become someone so successful and accomplished.  Brampton, being so small and away from city, it is hard to believe that anyone can make it big in this industry.  However, seeing her, I feel that it is possible to reach my dreams, despite where I live.  She was like me, a hopeful actress growing up and schooled in Brampton.  Now, she is a superstar, owning the red carpet and well on her way to taking over the world if she wanted to.  Looking at her allows me to believe that in a couple of years, that could be me too.

Her vibe and presence was breathtaking.  As soon as she entered the drama studio, it was like time stopped for a moment.  She has such grace and poise and her personality is remarkable.  Olunike was really open and genuine when answering our questions.  At first, we were all too starstruck to say anything, but then the questions kept coming and the next thing we knew, our time was up.  Even then, many of us were still picking at her brain right up to the last second, when the bell rang.

Ultimately, I just want to thank you, Olunike, for coming into our class and showering us with your wealth of knowledge.  Personally, thanks for demonstrating with me how to create a spark with another actor for a scene, even though in reality, there really is not any.   I will never forget your visit and the impact that you left on me.  Honestly, I am so inspired by what you had to say and your authenticity and genuineness is beyond words.  You know who you are and who you want to be and you have that vibe about you that you will not stop until all of your dreams are accomplished.  Your liveliness will always remain with me and I admire you so much for your ability to stay real.  Hope I will be able to see you soon!