Tuesday, October 5, 2010


"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." 
~Thornton Wilder
...and those moments should not be limited to just this one day.  Thanksgiving is an amazing holiday, but sometimes, I feel like people forget to be thankful on the other 364 days.  I mean, what if you do not make it to the next second Monday of October—and God forbid you do.  Are all of those days since the Thanksgiving of last year supposed to go unacknowledged?
I realize that everyone has school, work and their own set of problems to overcome, but I also know that it is important to take a couple minutes out of every day and be thankful for what we have.  I mean, someone out there is having it ten times harder than we are.  It is a shame that sometimes we do not realize how lucky and fortunate we are in the midst of our worries and stress—and I am no exception.  Therefore, I am grateful for this holiday to give us that reality check and remind us to be thankful, to give gratitude and to express appreciation because you never know when your chance to will pass.
Anyway, I want to take this week to look back and be thankful of everyone and for everything in my life.


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