I grew up to stories like Cinderella finding her Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty awakened by her Prince, Ariel finding true love from a human creature and Belle seeing the beauty in the Beast. Those fairytales taught me to believe in myself, to have hope for the future and to love. They took my young mind on a journey of fantasy.
However, just as life would have it, the times to daydream eventually fade into reality where good is not as easy to find, believing in yourself is harder than it seems and keeping the faith becomes difficult. One lesson that I learned is that fairytales don’t always have a happy ending and they don’t always come true.
Over time, I realize that life is not like those childhood stories... You can’t eat a poisonous apple and expect the perfect man to come by and kiss you; and you can’t find your Prince Charming by losing a shoe.
I will never forget those nights sitting by your side in silence as we are comforted by each other’s presence.
I will never forget those days where we laughed and thought that it would never end.
I will never forget those arguments that left us in tears.
Those memories... when I look back, I don’t believe that my time was wasted. Sure, it doesn’t last forever, but maybe that’s what love is all about. Maybe it’s about finding the happiness and familiarity in that moment and just living there. Maybe it’s about sharing that one memory, that one embrace, that one kiss, with someone special. Maybe it’s about being heartbroken, over and over again, until that special one comes. Maybe it’s all of those things that make up the journey of love.

Regardless, I will continue to love and be heartbroken, so long as by the end of my time, I will have a story to share that will inspire, lift and touch hearts...
...because when all is said and done, love is more a journey than a destination.
*this is not me LOL
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