We are always told to mind our own business and that prying into the concerns and lives of others is rude. However, when you see something wrong, should those rules apply? If you see someone getting bullied at school or on the internet, should you leave them? It’s their problem; they must have done something to provoke the other person. Regardless, why should you make yourself a target by helping out someone you barely know?
Not doing anything and staying quiet adds to the problem. You most definitely are not the solution. Not speaking up allows the bully to continue with their aggressive and hurting ways. I have been put in these situations before. I don’t want to get involved because I don’t want to be the next victim. However, I think about how I would feel if people were merely watching instead of helping. I hate the fact that people must put others down to make themselves feel better or bring them down to their levels.

In these situations, we, as bystanders, have the most power, if you think about it. The victim obviously can’t really do anything about it or else they wouldn’t be a victim. The bully, more often than not, is acting up out of insecurities and his/her own problems. They merely are putting on a tough front to hide their powerlessness. Us bystanders, we can either help the victim by reporting the bullying or we can help the bully by not saying anything. In some ways, we are the tipping point of the situation. We are the decision makers. We decide if the situation escalates or is shut down for good.
Therefore, I would like to challenge you to stand up and be the bigger person when you witness bullying. You don’t have to throw yourself at the bully, but don’t just stand there either. Put yourself in the victim’s shoes and remember that we all need to stand by each other in times of hardship. You never know when you’ll be on the other side of the insults and abuse, so speak up while you can.
Remember, silence is consent.
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